My Friends at AOSH EU (AOSHEU)

I spent a summer in Denmark a few years ago at the AOSH EU (the Church of Scientology Advanced Organization and Saint Hill in Europe).

I began many close friendships that I still have today.

One thing that is very special about being a Scientologist is that no matter where you travel on Earth you find wonderful people at Scientology churches who welcome you, are delighted to meet you and help you.

I was never struck by this more than at AOSHEU. There were people from all over Europe. Many of them didn't speak English, and languages aren't my strong point, so it was comical sometimes trying to communicate with one another. But it is amazing how drawings and sign language and the intention to get across the gulf of different languages works.

Interesting Links about AOSH EU

Scientology Advanced Organizations Around the World

AOSH EU - Advanced Organization & Saint Hill Europe

AOSH EU - Продвинутая Организация и Сент-Хилл Европы

То, что Вы делаете, достойно самого глубокого уважения, AOSH EU - Продвинутая Организация и Сент-Хилл Европы

Fortgeschrittenen Organisation für Europa - AOSH EU

Advanced Organization & Saint Hill Europe - AOSH EU

Organizzazione Avanzata per l'Europa - AOSH EU

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US Navy Chaplain - Scientology

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