"Converting" to Scientology
As usual reporters in the entertainment field are demonstrating their ignorance by proclaiming that Katie Holmes is "converting" to Scientology. To "convert" implies that you are joining one religion to the exclusion of all others. That's not the way things work in Scientology. You can be a Scientologist and a Catholic (in her case) or a Scientologist and a Muslim (in the case of a friend of mine) or a Scientologist and a Jew (in the case of some other friends of mine) or ... the list goes on. For more data see the letter from the director of the Scientology Parishioners League, written to the Asian Tribune: "Change No Man’s Religion" is a prime policy of Scientology. Also there is an article in the My Scientology blog Katie Holmes "converting" to Scientology, I think he covers it pretty well.