Here's what she says about the environmnet (it's on the web site of the Earth Organziation.
"There is not one of us that is not aware, that the environment around us is changing for the worst. Yet we leave the task to others to do something about it.
"The Earth Organization is the first international organization that has realistic goals that all of us can
achieve right now to help preserve
our environment.
"Our own survival on Earth is dependant upon the well being of all the other life forms that share our planet with us because none survive alone!
"And as we contribute to preserving and enhancing our environment, our own lives are enriched because we "know we are contributing to the preservation of the Earth, our home.
"It really is becoming obvious that the time has come for all of us to be involved. If every one of us did our part, we could turn around this downward spiral.
"That is why I have decided to helpbecause I know I can help."