Last year the press made a big deal out of some comments made by Sumner Redstone, the head of Viacom (owners of Paramount Pictures). They implied he was attacking Tom Cruise. Now Redstone has said to People Magazine: "What happened was, I just gave an interview to
The Wall Street Journal. In the course of it, they asked me what was going on. I said, 'You know, he would no longer be in the lot,'" Redstone told the magazine. "They treated that like I was firing him. I didn't fire him! I had nothing to do with it. But they treated it explosively. And I didn't like it."
Hmmmm, don't tell me the press got it wrong. Is it possible that the media wanted to pretend there was a controversy when there wasn't? Is it possible they created the whole story because they thought it would sell more papers? Well, all I can say is that when you read or watch the news be very careful about what you believe because time and again you later find out that things weren't the way the press portrayed them.