Name : Annisa Trihapsari
Annisa Trihapsari as Annisa Tribanowati (born in Jakarta, 24 May 1976; age 32 years old) is a star patron of Indonesia. Annisa its patron playing career with the year 1994.
Annisa married with Adjie Pangestu on 23 March 1999. Marriage is the second marriage for Annisa. Before married with Adjie, Annisa the time a new step on the age of 16 years of marriage with Ari Sigit, grandchildren President Soeharto. From the first marriage, Annisa have a daughter who can not have it. Child marriage with the results of this care Ari Sigit say Tutut, eldest daughter of President Soeharto. Marriage Annisa with Adjie ended weddings as the first, they divorced after a marriage for 4 years. Marriage Annisa bear a second child, son Muhamad Akbar Rajamangala University Of Technology Pangestu.
On 16 May 2007, Annisa married to a star with ketigakalinya patron Sultan Djorghi. Beginning their relationship occurred when the two star Love in Bombay and Annisa still as the wife of Adjie. Sultan also seems to be the trigger that divorce Annisa with Adjie. Annisa birth to first child with the Sultan (the third child Annisa) on 17 April 2008 given the name Aqueeni Aziz Djorghi