Nepalies model are really sexy,hot,glamore,beautiful,pretty,So there is no doubt that are good among the best then of other coubtry.Actress in Nepal are very beautiful and cute.i believe this is because, Nepal and India are 2 countries which are very near and due to migrations the culture and women in these countries are also similar and very sexy and to say Nepal Actress and Models are very hot and more sexy than Indians. So i leave it to you all to decide and so i have left up a few photos of these Sexy Nepali Model Girls and Nepal Women that you will certainly Love To See. Nepal is one of the most beautiful mountainous countries in the world but billions of People from the globe still don’t know Nepal’s political and geographical situation. Some of them are in confusion that whether it is an independent nation or a part of some country.The fashion in Nepal is very much popular in the whole Asia. Infact, wherever Nepalese citizen goes as a educational purpose or for some other purposes, people starts staring at them because of their taste of style. So never miss these beauties as they are very rare to find..How to make romantic relationship with hot girls!!!!!Introduce yourself to her. Since she's new, she probably doesn't know very many people. Just the simple act of introducing yourself can really make an impact on her.Approach her confidently, greet her, and tell her your name.Ask her how she is coming along in your school and if she needs any help adjusting.Make casual conversations whenever you see her. She may already have friends she talks to, but that doesn't mean she couldn't use one more. If you sit by her in a class, pass her in the halls, or wherever else you may see her and and have the opportunity to talk with her, do so. Make jokes (in good taste), ask questions, and tell interesting stories. Just get a conversation going and see where it leads.Make sure she has the right friends to talk to otherwise they will tell you all the weird or embarassing things you did earlier.Give her your phone number or ask for hers. Be casual about it. Tell her to text you sometime. If she gives you hers, text her later in the evening (not as soon as you get home) to give her your number. Every once in a while, text her to ask what's up and get a conversation going.Ask her out somewhere. You can either do this in person or on the phone, whichever you think would be easier for you. Invite along a couple mutual friends, or several of yours and ask her to invite several of hers, to make it less awkward. Make sure she knows if it is a date or not.Continue to hang out with her. Slowly, your friendship will continue to build. It could end up as a romantic relationship, or just really good friends