Prisa Photo Gallery

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Name : Prisa Adinda Arini Rianzi
Born : Jakarta, 6 Januari 1988

Prisa Adinda Arini Rianzi or better known as Prisa (born in Jakarta, 6 January 1988; age 20 years) is a singer A Indonesia. He is the second of three children with partner Rianzi Julidar and Lydia Wahab Arlini make this video klipnya in September 2007 with the title song Walking surreptitious More sung by the J-rocks from the album Spirit.

He is a member of the group's music Vendetta before he had formed music group Zala. In May 2008 he planned to make a new album titled Prisa.


* Spirit, the single mom surreptitious More (2007)
* Prisa (2008)

She is a beautiful guitarist that famous with Kau Curi Lagi (2007).
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